Short Plat Application Guidelines
Short Plat Application Guidelines
A lot owner wishing to short subdivide her/his property must submit to the LJE Board of Trustees in writing a plan outlining his/her intentions for subdividing his/her property. This plan must include the overall site plan, including locations of all houses and driveways, and the resulting square footage of each lot. Please note that the LJE Board of Trustees has adopted a minimum lot size of 14,400 square feet for lots created through a short subdivision – applications seeking a smaller lot size will be automatically denied.
An applicant for short-subdivision approval must be current in the payment of his/her assessments before the Board of Trustees will consider the application. All short-plat applicants will be charged for costs incurred by the Association in reviewing and processing their applications. Costs incurred by the Association during the review and processing of the application will be deducted from this deposit.  The applicant will be provided with a report of the costs deducted at the end of the review process, and any unused funds will be refunded to the applicant. Costs in excess of the deposit will be charged to the applicant.  This rule applies regardless of the Association’s ultimate decision regarding the short-plat application.
Following receipt of a completed application, the Board of Trustees may survey property owners about the proposal by mailing the “Lake Jane Estates Short Plat Application Neighbor Survey†form to property owners within 600 feet of the proposed subdivision. If the Board does deem this necessary, the applicant must submit a $200.00 deposit, for the cost of the survey. Responses to the Neighbor Notification Survey must be submitted on the original form and mailed to LJE at the PO Box.  The applicant may not deliver the Neighbor Notification form for any third parties.
In making its decision on a short plat application, the Board will consider a variety of factors. These include, but are not limited to, overall community sentiment, the proposed site plan, potential adverse affects on Association property or assets, aesthetics, effect on the general plan of the Lake Jane Estates community, and possible effects of its decision on future subdivision requests. The Board will also consider feedback from property owners sent the Neighborhood Notification form. No one factor will be determinative of the Board’s decision. The Board of Trustees will endeavor to approve or deny subdivision proposals within 90 days after receiving a completed application.
Following its decision, the Board of Trustees will send a letter to the applicant advising her/ him of its decision. If the application is approved, the applicant will have one calendar year from the date of receipt of the approval letter to complete the proposed subdivision. If the subdivision is not completed within a year, the applicant must submit a new application for approval with the Board of Trustees, including the submission of the $200 deposit.  Approval of a subdivision is not transferrable – it is only valid for the member to whom it is granted.